Sabina The Empress

The fourth story in the series is dedicated to Sabina, a Roman woman of noble birth, wife of Hadrian, the Governor.

Sabine is present, next to her husband when all the previous women are sentenced to suffer intensely horrifying crucifixions, showing her displeasure with Paulina’s and Saturninus’ influence on the Governor, who is too quick to send those women to their death.

Sabine avoids to see those women suffer those horrible deaths.

The fourth story begins with the ambitious and conniving Paulina, who had Decius sent to exile and Ide crucified, not happy that the man that offended and raped her was now back in power as a Roman Commander because he regained favor with the Governor because he captured Talissa, the killer of Roman soldiers.

Paulina needs to have the power Hadrian has to get rid of Decius, but not only that, she wants that power for herself, through her husband Saturninus and to gain the tremendous might she needs and wants, she plots to have Saturninus replace Hadrian by having the ruling Governor killed and to blame his murder on Sabina, his pretty and young wife. 

Paulina prepares the poisoned wine and gives it to Sabina’s servant to take it to Hadrian, the Governor drinks the wine and dies in front of his shocked wife. Saturninus and Paulina are also conviniently present, they were visiting that night to eat and drink.

When the Governor falls dead, Saturninus orders that the servant be taken away to be questioned about how she came to have the poison put in Hadrian’s wine.

The woman is brutally tortured until she confesses that her mistress, Sabina, gave her the poison and ordered her to do the deed.

Sabina is captured, whipped and sentenced to suffer a humiliating and torturous death on the cross.

Help us make The Crucified Four films!

We set up this campaign with a goal of $40,000 for ALL the FILMS. You can help us get those funds with contributions for as little as 25 USD.

  1. For a 25 USD contribution you’ll get ANY new film of your choice, when these new films are released. The regular price will be 35 USD or more.
  2. For a 100 USD you will get ANY FOUR new releases when they come out, including The Crucified Four movies. The regular price for 4 new movies will be around 150

There will be other perks soon. But we have to start now if we want to commence shooting early next year.

All contributions will help us move from one stage of the production to another faster. Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference.

You can contribute here!