The Crucified Four
The Crucified Four (Working Title) will be a series of four films that are connected by characters that play crucial...
The Crucified Four (Working Title) will be a series of four films that are connected by characters that play crucial...
Jac was facing a critical stage in his creative process, a short time ago, when he began shooting the new...
Where do we go from here? That was the question in Jac's mind as he was working the finishing touches...
Seditiosa is getting ready for its world wide Via Crucis. We were hoping to announce the release of this highly...
Things were hugely complicated at the beginning of the new year, both, personally and professionally. Lots of things to complete,...
I received this message in my X page (formerly known as Twitter): Unfortunately, the complexities of micro budget independent filmmaking...
Yahel means The Light, at least that's what some people say. An ancient name, of course, like all those names...
Thank you to all who remember and sent their best wishes on my Birthday!! You must also know that both,...
The night of the 9th of July, after the most tension filled and overwhelming day of production, Jac sat on...
The date and time for the last sequence in Seditiosa was set for Sunday, July 9th, in the year of our lady...