JUSTINE has a date at the Cinemas and Isabel has a date at the Dungeon!​

It’s official JUSTINE will have a theatrical release on March 16th. The premiere will take place the night before at the Cinemateca, where we premiered OLALLA and Dead But Dreaming and where Maleficarum was censored. I believe after the scandal with the censorship of Maleficarum, they decided to show ALL our movies. As a matter of fact, we will have a week with all our movies sometime after the theatrical screenings of JUSTINE. This event will be very special because Amy plans to attend the premiere and that means that after more than a year, the entire Pachamama Films cast and crew will get together for a grand party. Many things can happen when we have a gathering such as the one we’re going to have. It will be fantastic, that’s the least I can say.


The Passion of Isabel, is advancing in ways that I can only describe as exciting. Jac un-dusted the two Canons he had stored up in a closet. He hasn’t use them in a very long time, so long that he forgot how they work and how they are. After working with all those state of the art cameras, like the Sony he’s going to be using as the main camera in his new movie, he thought they were archaic, perhaps as archaic as the Canon he bought to shoot Martyr way back in 2002. Well, he was amazed to find out that the frame on these two little cameras is not 1080 but actually 1920… so, not bad. So, he’ll be using a GoPro, the Sony, a Canon similar to the one used in Maleficarum and those two Canons. Five cameras! 5 different angles for each take. Completely awesome. I’ll be telling the story of the shooting, day by day kind of thing… maybe even shot by shot, in our famous Red Feline Club.

​Now is the time to join the very exclusive Club
​Follow the adventures of the making of this new film. Yesterday

Jac and Bea were again taking pictures at the location after setting up more lights. They are getting closer to production!

There was a comment related to the lighting of ‘porn’ movies when they use multiple cameras. The comment was that those movies look like TV sitcoms. Jac disagrees, he thinks they look like shots made with hospital lights. He made that comment many years ago. I bring it up because even though he’ll be using 5 cameras to shoot The Passion of Isabel, that won’t affect the atmosphere of the movie. Agent X was shot with three cameras simultaneously and it looks great, and they weren’t the state of the art cameras we have now. In Maleficarum he used three cameras for the BATS scene too, and you can’t tell the difference between those cameras. Using multiple cameras doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice atmospheric quality. For The Passion of Isabel he’s setting up the lights so the dungeon will look its best. He wants a totally different look from all previous films in that location.

FABULOUS! Three scenes on the wheel, who cares anymore, WHIP AWAY!!! but throw in pincers and a hot iron for good measure.

Picaro on January 15, 2017

That comment came in the club right after I posted the long article about The Rack. I think this type of rack is becoming very popular and I think it will be something that Jac only dreamed he could sometime do in a movie. It’s becoming a reality. He was commenting to me, and to me alone, that maybe this movie should be Maleficarum II. The reason is because of his choice of Torquemada, the creator, la matière grise, of The Holy Inquisition as the character that tortures Isabel. I can’t comment right now how he arrived to that conclusion and what it means to the script, but… Who knows?

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