Waiting To Be Crucified… Again

Simonne is a very busy lady, she is a singer in a band, she is a model and she has a couple of other jobs, and yet, she’s committed to work in our films, she has a role that Dani described as Delicious in 69 Année Érotique, but most importantly, she will play the lead character of Yahel in Seditiosa. She is very excited about that possibility and more than intrigued.

She suffered the cross in Monxa Mala, crown of thorns and all, it was a hard, painful role to play and she remembers it well. She commented to Jac not long ago that she’s sure that Seditiosa will be a lot harder and more painful for all three crucified women. She’s right and she can’t wait. She deserves more enthusiasm, I think.

We launched the campaign for Seditiosa and we’re up to 2% of our ambitious goal. We have to raise 25,000 by the end of the IndieGoGo Campaign, which is in exactly 57 days as of today, October 11. We plan to start shooting the film within a month of that date if we raised sufficient funds. Our estimated time for the release of the film is August 2023, less than a year from now.

If, by any freaking chance someone decides to be the Executive Producer and puts on the table the 25,000 right now, we would stop the presses and jump into the work for the production this week. If two people decide to be executive producers with 25,000 each and one of them wants to be put on a cross, then we would start this week too and hire two editors so they can start cutting the film while we shoot so we could have a rough cut of the film a week after we finished shooting it… and so on…

However, we’re not foreseen any of those scenarios, so we will begin production after the campaign is over unless we have not reached past 10% of our goal. In which case we would have to go out in the world looking for cash hat in hand and hope for the best.

We are planning to release a couple of titles, CruXtreme V and Crux Simplex (For Two) between now and the end of the year and that will actually bring in some cash that we can use for the production as well.

After launching the IndieGoGo campaign, we are back to basics, and in the case of Seditiosa, it means we’re back to the script.

We are discussing the story’s structure, which is crucial to the film. A good structure is necessary but, at the same time, it cannot be an inspiration squasher. 

In the case of Seditiosa is not so much how it ends, we all know exactly what will happen and to whom and even why; but the story is how the protagonists get to where they are going, knowing full well that the ending is inevitable. 

Jac was thinking of using part of a powerful scene from the ending to open the film. A few close-up shots of Yahel on the cross as she dies. But he wasn’t sure if he wanted to open Seditiosa that way, even though the scene he has in mind is amazing and symbolic in many ways.

That subject and it’s possible alternatives is now under discussion at our Patreon site with different suggestions.

We are presently hanging there, holding our breath, as we wait to see what happens with our efforts to get the show going. Simonne, Dani and Mila are waiting to be crucified again… and again… and again…

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