
The week ended with celebrations and new beginnings. Jac’s brother organized a super party for his birthday with lots of guests, an amazing cake, designed by Erix, and thus a month of celebrations began.

Funny enough, it coincided with the launching of our IndieGoGo campaign for Seditiosa, the first ever major motion picture with a most provocative premise, What If The Christ Had Been A Woman?

And when I say this month marks a new beginning for all of us, I mean it.


Congrats Margot and team for the campaign finally starting!

Unlike Justine where I was an Associate producer level backer, I can not contribute much this time due to financial issues. I will however pre-buy the film. Is there a way to get a DVD and download copy as a perk. I don’t want to buy 2 separate perks to get it.


We would have to set that up, but I don’t know if that is something that will be used a lot. One suggestion is that you make a donation with the amount for both, the DVD and Download, adding a little for shipping and let us know so we can set you up in our records for both. Having said that, I will ask and find out if a new perk can be added with that particular request.

With the work to launch the campaign out of the way, Jac can concentrate in the other pressing matters we have, like the scripts for Seditiosa, complete the pre production and work on the scheduling for 69 Année Érotique, go back to editing the films that are in post, like CruXtreme V, Crux Simplex, Agent Honey Trap, Deep Cover Mole… and more!

The scheduling for 69 Année Érotique will be completed sometime next week, the date of production for that film will be set and we will know when we the cameras will start rolling in this most violently romantic new film where Dani, Mila, Simonne and Jac play multiple characters and they all have naughty games where there are chains and whips involved.

There are another couple of characters who will also suffer at the hands of Mr Hyde. One of them will be played by a newbie, Geraldine. Jac will have some camera tests with the potential new cast member during the coming week. She’s a beautiful woman, who Jac met some years ago while walking his dog. The first time he saw her, climbing on a motorcycle, he was impressed by her looks, she reminded him of Camille. Jac was sure she was French.

All the up and coming activities will not distract us from the big picture, the work on Seditiosa. We’ll be updating the development of our campaign, pressuring our fans to contribute to the big cause. We are somewhat disappointed by the little interest in our Patreon page. We’ll see how it goes.

However, we appreciate the loyal support of our patrons, so, we uploaded a nice clip of Simonne during her first test for Monxa Mala. Our VIP patrons received a password to watch it.

There will be more video clips at Patreon in the future, including clips from the shooting of 69, the location, props and scene tests for Seditiosa, stuff from the past like an exclusive little video with Camille during her training, and much, much more.

I mentioned a new beginning. Well, the intention is to return to the big production values movies and the steps taken now are setting the road for the future.

Come to our IndieGoGo Campaign and help us make Seditiosa possible!


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