For the looks of it, the asteroids that hit our HQ have an effect beyond our walls. No small accomplishment for the likes of them. After all, they, the asteroids, shook the placid but very engaged progress of our already filled almanac. Am I making sense?

Suddenly, like it happened years ago with Maleficarum, the unplanned, unexpected and with a very favorite theme in Jac’s heart, The Horrors of The Inquisition, a new film takes center stage and begins climbing up, very fast, in the list of priorities and this time, another of Jac’s favorite themes, the number one, the one that gave birth to Red Feline Pictures… The Horrors of the Crucifixion.

Like I mentioned a million times before, back then, in 2010, Amy and Jac were busy preparing to produce two films, Barbazul and a film titled Dolores’ Cage, or something like that, when a proposal fell on their lap, a film about the inquisition and came with some cash attached to it. Dolores’ Cage was put on a shelf. Barbazul was already in full steam.

So, between November 2010 and March 2011 we produced THREE films back to back. Maleficarum, Barbazul and Le Marquis de la Croix, the latter one because we had a great location, a great couple of performers, Mila and Jac, and some extra cash from the theatrical release of Sirwiñakuy, Amy’s directorial debut that was on the big screen for months.

There’s an irony to all this. The film Dolores’ Cage went through changes in its title and intentions. From Dolores’ Cage, it went to Casa de Fieras, and now it became part of 69 Année Érotique, one of the films in pre production and the first in the list of priorities like Barbazul was back in the day, in other words 69 Année Érotique is all set to start production.

So, we find ourselves in a similar spot, which is very exciting, to say the least. The new, unexpected, big project I’m talking about is The Female Christ story, of course, and the one causing us to go nuts and the one getting some growing attention.

Fantastic news Margot & team!

First the TV series that will make the crux theme more accepted in mainstream media, although it is only shown in 2 episodes if I understood you correctly. However, step by step, the acceptance increases. Very good news!


The TV series is very complex, the plan is to have at least three seasons that cover a lot of material and in different times of history, and having torture and mayhem in a mainstream visual work is not new to us. We had torture of pretty females in The Man From The Moon, the TV miniseries where Camille had her acting first steps. And this time, apart from some girls suffering torture, there will be two, count them, two crucifixions.

Then the 2:nd bomb, a possible qualified version of ‘The female Christ’ story’ if I understood it correctly. (There is still some uncertainty?) That’s really glorious news if that is what you are trying to realise. It might be a little bit controversial to some people ofc. The possibility of a female / alternative JC is however discussed more openly as each year passes by according to my non scientific analysis.

I am full of admiration that you are considering to try and realise such an amazing project.


Every project carries a level of uncertainty with it. It can only be certain when everything is in place, the funding, the cast, the crew, the locations, the props… everything. In the case of this new project, The Female Christ Theme movie with a name I cannot mention… yet, a lot depends on what happens in the next days, or weeks, or even… months.

As some CF members might know, a female version of the passion story is my absolute favourite theme, so I personally hope that this project will become a reality and a big success for you!!!

So from my point of you, I strongly urge as many CF members as possible to support this project! Please make it happen, it sounds to me like it would be a milestone in the development of the female Christ / female crux theme if it can be realised! It would be a pity if it cannot happen due to poor initial funding. Margot, how do we support this project? 🙂 (Sorry for being so eager!)

PS: Do not forget to support also CF, it is after all the foundation for us ‘cruxers’, which we all depend upon!!!!!


In the next few days some critical things will be happening.

Jac will have a discussion with the possible actresses for the main roles, that of the crucified female Christ and her two companions, he will explain in some detail what will be demanded of them. Something like:

How would you feel being scourged, viciously, then taken to be exposed all bloody and naked to a bunch of people, then made to pick up your patibulum and force to walk, carrying that heavy wood on your shoulders, with people jeering at you, maybe throwing things at you, and a torturer or two flogging you to make you walk faster and then, after you reach your destination, to be nailed to the patibulum… to then begin your torture… With an emphasis on ‘in front of lots of people’

During that critical discussion, a lot of details of the how, when, what… of the production will be put on the table, and if all goes well, they will come to positive agreements, a timetable will be set to have a script and a pre production plan, they will schedule the making of a pitch video to then begin a campaign to raise some of the funds we’ll need to make this film a reality, which means, the project will then be more certain. All of this will happen this coming week, the last week of July, although I still feel like it is February.

Margot said: Although in most of our movies beautiful females suffer the pains and agony of the crucifixion, we never made a Big Production Values movie with the very specific Female Christ Theme… And by that I mean a movie set in Roman Empire times, with all the costumes, the locations, the props to make it work, and based on the actual story of The Christ. Anathema!

I am one of those people who have long imagined a movie with this theme. And although not everyone here has a female Christ kink, religious imagery was the gateway for a great many of us into crux. For that reason, it feels that we are approaching holy ground with this project!


Our experience the last two decades of making these movies, where, in most cases, beautiful females suffer the pains and agonies of the crucifixion, is full of surprises. When we first launch Red Feline On The Cross we didn’t know what to expect and ended up creating a mini industry and a large, loyal, following, and here we are, 20 something years later, discussing a Female Christ scenario for a new film and the offer of some good cash to make it happen… that is if we raise enough to make it THE WAY IT HAS TO BE MADE!

Someone could say that we already made such a film, big and small, like the Via Crucis of Camille videos, or the Big Production values film Martyr, or even Justine. As a matter of fact, Erix said exactly that to Jac when he was describing the idea to him.

  • Erix: But you already made that movie, didn’t you?
  • Jac: It is not exactly that film. I didn’t make The Christ story with a female in the place of Jesus… like, what if Jesus had been a woman instead of a man kind of speculative movie.

So, that’s where we are today, on the verge of launching a new project with the Female Christ Theme, ready to begin production of 69 Année Érotique, preparing the theatrical release of Pymalion, … and much, much more.

Before we begin the campaign for the new film you can help by watching our exciting movies!