Waiting for more torture

January is practically over and a new waiting game has befallen the Trio of Pain and hopefully not for long. Jac is anxious to return to the set next week to finish the production of Agent Honey Trap, so are Dani and Mila. A lot for the future depends on that, as far as timing is concerned. Jac is making a very detailed schedule for the year and it includes many films to be produced, edited, developed, released and so on. But at this very moment there are two films high in his urgent lis: Agent Honey Trap and CruXtreme IV.

The plan is to release CruXtreme IV before the end of next month and to finish the shooting of Agent Honey Trap next week. Jac thinks is doable, as far as CruXtreme IV is concerned. He’s over 1 hour of the first cut of the film, with another 3 hrs of material to cut down. He will have the first cut of the entire film by the end of next week and then on to the final cut and so on, well within his plan to release it before the end of next month.

The plan to finish the production of Agent Honey Trap is another matter. The best case scenario is that they can go back to the set next week and finish it. If, for any reason, always related to the recent Covid crisis, they can’t go back to the set, that would throw the completion of the film to mid February and with that, the month is over. That pushes all of Jac’s schedule a month.

The plan includes the production of 6 films, including Agent Honey Trap, the post production of at least 5 films, including CruXtreme IV, the theatrical release of two films, Pygmalion and Rucker, and the development of 2 TV series. Not to mention the release of the 5 films in post. It sounds crazy. I know. However it’s one step at a time and the first step is to finish the post of CruXtreme IV and finish the production of Agent Honey Trap and then move on to the next two priorities, the production of Deep Cover Mole and the post production of CruXtreme V.

Maybe this year will be different from before. I’m going over all my posts from years past and it is very revealing as how things work. Regardless of how the status of the world affect our plans, a lot of work is done.

One thing to check is how July 2019 looked like:


The show must go on… and it will go on.