She had enough of this, let’s make it more interesting!

​The ‘slide show’ on the three computer screens display in sequential order, a good number of VidCaps, from film to film and, like I said before, it’s like having a magazine and looking at the pictures as they tell a story. They are all striking, really. For the five seconds that the picture stays on the screen, one can appreciate what it shows. In the case of Mila, for instance, one can indulge watching her fantastic body in pain.

These are pictures from the third film Mila made, Le Marquis De La Croix, a few weeks after she was seduced and killed in BARBAZUL, under the direction of Amy, and tortured in Maleficarum under the direct instructions of Jac.

Le Marquis De La Croix had the same location as the famous inquisition movie, it was decorated by Amy in a different way, to give it the look of a French Revolution dungeon, successfully, I might add. Mila and Jac played the main characters, while Eric, the torturer in Maleficarum was the tour guide at the De Sade Museum, while Amy herself played the role of a visitor. Amy directed that film, it was her third feature after Sirwiñakuy and BARBAZUL, which she directed just three months before Le Marquis.


The work for the theatrical release of Amy’s Pygmalion is going strong. One more week of intense work to then begin the advertising campaign in all Bolivian media. This work has basically halted the post production of CruXtreme II. And has postponed the production work on CruXtreme III – The Callback until sometime the coming week.

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