Do you think we’re almost done? Think again!

​I mentioned before the ‘slide show’ on the three computer screens in the office. When you see ALL the work passing by at a 5 seconds interval, you see the entire Filmography of both, Amy and Jac, in a couple of hours. Which is pretty interesting, specially because you can appreciate the quality of the individual images.

Some people post pictures from magazines, like Fummeto, which are pretty ancient. I used to see those mags in paper stands in Italy way back in the 80’s, when I was traveling with Jac and we would check them out. That’s long before all the work he got engaged in. Jac has a nice collection in his library, including all the Pichard’s work. Huge library, I must say.

When those Fummeto pictures are posted, 3 or 4 at a time in sequential order, one can see the dramatic impact of a given situation. It’s similar to the effect the slide show in our screens produce in the viewer.

But I can’t truly get the message through without examples. Here’s one, Amy whipping scene in Maleficarum.


The busy time continues; CruXtreme II has 27 minutes of screen time already in first cut, with over 6 hours of footage still to cut from. Rucker is in sound mix but not much longer. The work for Pygmalion’s theatrical release continues, lots of details to take care of, airline tickets, hotels, big premiere event with party, which includes drinks and food, all those banners, posters, invitations, press books, and so on and so forth, it’s almost like producing a movie. We hope to have all set up by Tuesday next week so Dani and Jac can move on and shoot CruXtreme III – The Callback. They are both very anxious to do it!

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