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As the screaming 20’s get to a terrifying start, with scorching earth fires, war preparations, and massive distress, most of the world tries to go on as normal as possible. But nothing is normal, unfortunately. Yes, I’m gloomy these days, but I have some promotion to do for our amazing movies.

Instead of concentrating on the big sellers, like our number one: CruXtreme I – The Playroom, I’m going to look a bit into those movies that do not come up often enough, if at all.

Before Maleficarum went into production, and while Amy was on a trip to the US, Jac took Mila to the location where Romana Crucifixa Est was shot to make a quick film as a way of giving Mila some practical experience in front of the camera. They shot The Via Crucis of Mila. A one day shoot, without any particular effects, no blood at all. Just a whip, some ropes, the Tree of Pain, the sun and wind. That was it.

Perhaps because there was no blood in the movie, like in all of Red Feline previous productions, The Via Crucis of Mila did not fare very well in our general sales. It has the last spot on our sellers list. While another solo film with Mila, Mila À La Croix, where you can see her tattoos and all, made twice as much in only the first month since it came out, as The Via Crucis of Mila did ever since its release in September 2011.

Mila, at that time, did not have any tattoos. that didn’t matter, she has a body to kill for, that didn’t matter either, the image was just beautiful, that didn’t matter. It just didn’t sell enough. And it’s there, just waiting for some more people to get a chance to see it.

The last couple of weeks were full of events, gatherings, parties and so on. This week things begin to take a normal route and I have to say that this month will be extremely busy.

The 23rd of this month, Pygmalion will be featured at a film festival. Mila, the star of the film, will be present, she’s up for best actress. Jac will also be there, he’s the male lead as well as the script writer and producer. The director of the film, Amy, can’t make it this time, unfortunately, but she’ll be present for the film’s premiere and t’s theatrical release, which was postponed until March.

CruXtreme II is going into full post production and it should be ready to be released in February. CruXtreme III is in the very early stages of production but with some delays. I will hear more about it next week. And that’s it. Not much else to say. I’ll have lots of news next week.


CruXtreme I is out there in three versions.

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