Three In A Row
Three films are the center of our attention these days. The new production, 69 Année Érotique, the soon to be produced Seditiosa and the soon to have a theatrical release with a big premiere Pygmalion. One after the other and all three of them with their demands, needs, benefits, and NOW!
The date for the Pygmalion premiere has been set, Amy has confirmed her arrival, and the wheels are in motion for what will be an exciting time for all of us but specially for Jac and Amy who will be together in the same country for the first time in many, many years, since the end of 2015 to be exact.
The new production, 69 Année Érotique, is nearing the end of production, with less than two weeks of work still ahead, but slowly wrapping up.
The making of this movie is definitely a great experience for all because this project is the first of many Big Production Values movies since 2015 and we’re hoping there are many more to come, without ignoring the much loved “two, three cast and crew films” Jac is fond of making.
One of the great benefits of this big production is that we’re testing new people, like the camera assistant who also brings his own camera to the set for additional shots and he’s an eager learner. A film student who is near graduation and wants the hands on experience of a big film.
He’s not the only one passing the test, everyone in the set is, specially Jac who has a huge load of work to do because he is the Director of Photography, the Principal Gaffer, the Male Protagonist, the Producer and the Chief Consoler when his female leads run into emotional turmoil… ah, and he’s also the Sound Recordist… amongst many other menial tasks. However, he does have a lot of fun while doing all that.
So when are you going to start production/shooting of the Seditiosa film?
Seditiosa is not shelved somewhere, the team is very busy working on the pre production of the film right now. Mostly getting all those costumes, props, decorations and so on. We’re also casting for all the roles we need in the film. That’s another benefit of the new production. We have a good number of extras and bits in 69 from amongst whom we can choose some of the actors for Seditiosa.
Two of the potential actresess for big roles are part of the All Girls Band performing in 69. One in particular will most likely get the role of one of Yahel’s followers who at the end of the film has a critical action that not only is part of how the film ends in a dramatic way, but opens up the possibility of… yes… A SEQUEL!
The actress is Sofi, the drummer in the All Girls Band and ironically enough, she was going to be one Dr Jekyll’s patients in the original story that was shelved back in 2010. She was a child at the time, she’s now a beautiful young woman.
We had a tentative date to begin the production of Seditiosa on February 12th. Unfortunately, that date had conflicts. We have carnival coming around that time and a lot of the people that would be working in the film have commitments for those dates. We’re going over the possible alternative dates and we’ll make a decision soon.
Jac was also planning to shoot Seditiosa in ten to 14 days straight; but after discussing possible schedules with some of the people who were being considered for important roles, he learned that many have jobs or university and they won’t be able to just take off for two weeks. They can do the work on weekends mostly and maybe take a day or two on a given week, and that’s fine too. So, instead of 14 days straight, we are scheduling to shoot in three weekends. Two of them of three days and the last one where most of the dramatic action takes place, of four days of intense work when The Crucified Three will be scourged, sentenced to the cross, made to walk to the Skull Hill, nailed to their crossbeams, raised to their crosses and left to agonize for a long, long time.
oh cool, a film about women who play instruments, being killed
Crux execution
Being killed is a bit of a stretch, although three of the beautiful women that are part of the All Girls Band in 69 will suffer the agony of the cross in Seditiosa.
In 69 no one dies, but four beautiful ladies suffer the whip and other indignities at the hands of Mr Hyde who struggles to stay in the body he shares with Dr Jekyll, but both individuals and the four women are in the capable hands of a freaky director, Hendrix, who has a thing with Galatea, his love from 1969.
It’s a beautiful crazy sadistic love story. In one song Simonne sings, A mi me gusta el sexo sado (I like sado sex). Jac processed a clip of that song, titled Porno Lover, as well as the main song in the movie, the ’68 French hit La Maritza, as performed by Therion, and covered by the All Girls Band on the stage.
We’re going to have both clips at Patreon. One of them, La Maritza, as the heading for this post.
I’ll have more news as our heavy work on the production allows.
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