On A Roll Up The Hill

I began this post last night with the followng comment:

As of this very moment, when I type these words, we climbed from 8% this morning to 16% this evening. From a bit over 2,000 to OVER 4,000, that’s really a surprising turn of events. It doesn’t mean that we have arrived to the top of the hill; but it certainly has made us roll up a good few meters.

I went to bed hoping that in the morning I would wake up to find out that we went up even more… It didn’t happen, but I’m not sad.

Just before this magnificent outpouring of support to Seditiosa, so many nice people want to see Yahel crucified, we were wondering about the reasons why that support was not forthcoming. We were wondering if the subject, a Female Christ, was the problem.

I argued that maybe some people could find the subject offensive, a mockery of Jesus; but my thoughts were that the film will deal with the subject with taste and respect for religious sensitivities; however, the main characters, Yahel, Judith and Magdalena will question the authorities of the time, they are intrinsically rebellious and do not hold the Roman empire with fondness; furthermore, Yahel’s teachings dwell a lot on the femininity of the divine. She does not refer to the almighty as Father, she calls the deity Mother instead. That is one of the issues that make the patriarchal leaders go wild with their hatred for the young woman. How dare she!

Some of these leaders and other people would like to drag her out and have her stoned to death right away, but the High Priest wants something far more instructive for the masses, Yahel’s death on the cross.

Another concern was the economy.

Is the economy that bad that a $25 pre-order is out of the question?

We were, and are, wondering about what is making people hesitant. $25 for a Download of such a magnificent movie is not too much. Is it?

As a matter of fact, I heard from people up high in our business that because of the economic crisis and the fluctuations in the exchange rate with the Euro and Pound, the prices of downloads and DVDs will go higher beginning next month.

When we first started the Red Feline adventures in crucifixions, with the classic Red Feline On The Cross, the cost of the VHS tape was 70 dollars! And it sold well. Just saying.

The discussion on those concerning issues was going on strong at the Crux Forum and it was soon after many comments were made that people began contributing and we started getting messages from IndieGoGo that we had a new contributor, and then another, and then another. With contributions that ranged from 25 to 800 per person.

More people were joining us in our efforts to put Yahel to the cross.

Another concern came up in the comments at CF:

Is there apprehension that the film will be made, made on time, or modified from what is being presented?

My response was to the point:

The film will be made. Although we have not reached 10% of our goal yet, we feel that we will pass that minimum to make us greenlight the project, and by that I mean to start working on practical elements like building props and making and or buying costumes. We have a bit over 2,000 of our goal now, which means that we can cover some of those expenses. We have some funds set aside which we will be using as well. In addition, we will be releasing some new movies, which brings in more cash.

It doesn’t mean that we don’t need support, we do. If we don’t sell our films and if we don’t raise funds, we can go broke and we would not be able to pay the salaries to our cast and crew. The cast is on a payroll basis, the principal cast, that is, on a weekly basis. They are in for the ride.

Once the script is completed, it will be ‘closed’, it means no changes will be made and all the work will be done to make the film as the script demands.

The basic story line is as it’s been described. Yahel and her disciples go about healing people, Yahel teaches her companions about life. They become involved in a conflict that results in their arrest. They are scourged, condemned to die on the cross, they carry their patibulums, they are nailed to them, raised to their crosses and left to agonize and die in front of many people.  Which is basically the story of the gospels.

And so, we are now over 4,000 in our efforts, we passed the 10% I was referring to and we are ready to embark in the preparations to bring Yahel, Judith and Magdalena to an spectacular crucifixion.

A friendly reminder, if 1000 people pre-buy the DVD for 30 bucks or the download for 25… we have the funds! If one person puts 25,000 on the table… we have the funds! It’s that easy.

I will be happy if by the end of the week at least 100 people pre buy a download for 25 bucks… instead of paying 35+35 when it finally comes out, or 5 people contribute 500… or a combination of the two… or…

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