A New Via Crucis

When Jac was asked in an interview which film was the most difficult to make he responded, the next one. I agree with him, there’s nothing more difficult in a production than to begin a new one. Once it is done, it no longer can be seen as being difficult… it’s done!

And here we are, at the beginning of a new film, a new adventure, with everything that this huge effort entails.

In the coming days Jac will set the date to begin the production of 69 Année Érotique, the first Big Production Values movie since Amy left for the US. We’re in front of the most difficult film to make yet…

It is the beginning of a new cycle, one that has a few projects to be produced between now and next year. The next in line is, of course, the one project that is making some waves, the Female Christ movie that now has a TITLE!

Would any of you like to be part of it?

I bet many of you do, that’s why we are setting up ways in which you can participate and work with us to make these films happen!

One way is to join our Patreon page!

Take a look


Thanks for the lovely update Margot!!!

My hopes to finally be able to enjoy a qualified Female Christ film increases to the boiling point with each new post you make! :)

As I see it this is a very rare opportunity to make this subject more accepted in general. It will happen eventually, but why not make it happen now instead of in 5 – 10 years!


As with anything in life, from baking a cake to brain surgery, to throw some examples out there, there’s a method to making a movie. The choosing of a subject can be difficult in itself, to pick up a subject that can cause tremendous waves is an extraordinary move… and to decide to embark on a project that deals with a subject that is part of soul of the history of western civilization is quite a feat… and if you decide to turn that subject on its head and change the paradigms… that’s a defiant provocation worth a world war.

To top it, to put another face on the most revered person for billions of people can be a daunting task.

Testing… testing…

If you for instance google the subject ‘Feminist theology’, just as an example, you can find that the discussion of a gender swapped JC is getting some momentum and acceptance. It sounds like this project could contribute to that idea and the acceptance of female crux in general.


Swapping the gender of JC demands not only changing the gender, and with that to give it a feminine name… but also a complete change of the paradigm known to all.

That’s the task.

Will a film like that bring a change? Maybe. Will it cause a debate? Most likely.

In addition to that this film will hopefully give us female crux lovers a formidable experience watching the final product! :) I am confident that you have the capability to make this to something very special! Hopefully it includes the most important classical scenes like arrest, trial, whipping, via crucis and finally a loooong Golgotha scene + a story and a message! All done ‘your style’ ofc and with some exciting twists! Now I am dreaming……hope that is ok………. :)


Perhaps there are many out there that share that dream, some, with tremulous lips, dare to express the dream, some others might let their imagination roam the landscapes of old, looking for such prophetess, to join her in her path to pain and glory… and maybe now that can happen.

Seriously, and this is my personal view ofc, I feel that this is an opportunity not to be missed!!!

It would be a pity if it was not realised due to poor initial funding!!

So, my opinion, please try and support this project, check your (big  ) piggy banks! Let’s hope that the funding site is operational soon!

Also, do not forget to support crux forums, our common home!

Once more, I wish you success with this and your other projects!!!


So today the Foursome of Defiance met to discuss more of the project and to rehearse some of the dialogues that will be part of the Pitch Video Jac is working on to start the campaign to raise funds for this film and to make The Dream Come True.

But we already started!

We have a Patreon page, in its infancy right now, where you can start helping this project.

As we move on with two productions, you will be on that path, just behind the three heroines of this story, who will suffer the wrath of that male enclave of chauvinistic passion, the High Priest and the Governor of the Judean province.

Join Our Patreon Page And Be Part of This Adventure


You can also help by buying our films, those films full of crucifixions… and all of them framing the female body in exhausting pain.

Download our films: https://movies.redfeline.com

Get our DVDs by mail: https://dvds.redfeline.com