Agent Honey Trap Had A Shocking Denouement

Last Thursday February 17th, Dani was put to intense shocking torture for the last time in this film. Dani shook in pain suspended at the post of woes by her wrists, her feet dangling above the ground, her body convulsing as the masked woman turned the switch on and off, keeping it on for longer times. Did Honey Trap confessed, did she say anything at all?

When they began torturing Dani, Jac was not sure if he was going to need another day to complete the scene. It turned out that by the end of the shoot he had all he needed and call it a wrap. However, there’s one scene, the one that opens the film, a very simple scene, no torture involved, different set, and he might or might not need it.

When they were done, they shared a moment with some rum and chips, Dani’s favorite, and ended the day with the agreement that they would meet the next day, maybe to shoot something if it was needed, or just to talk.

But something happened during that afternoon and maybe during the last three or four days of shooting. It’s not clear to me, but it reached a boiling point in Jac’s head the minute Dani and Mila left the house. It must’ve been something terrible for Jac to cancel the next day’s meeting and go off for the rest of the night.

Whatever the situation is or was or will be, one thing is clear, Agent Honey Trap is finally in the can, except for that scene that might or might not happen, of course.

The last scene sets the story for the next movie, Deep Cover Mole. The threesome will get together next Wednesday to discuss the new film, test a couple of Jac’s ideas and decide if they will shoot the little scene still needed for Agent Honey Trap. If that’s the case, then they will prepare the set for that one scene and probably shoot it the next day. Regardless, because the coming week is carnival and there will be a bunch of events happening, Jac doesn’t expect to be doing any serious work, other than editing and writing, until the week after that.

I will definitely have more news concerning this film, the next one, the one before and so on. I don’t know if I’ll ever know what the big drama in Jac’s psyche is, but I’ll know how big the drama is when the consequences of that situation become clear to me.

Meanwhile, we have a Big Carnival 2022 Going and it will end in about a week.
