Hence The New Torments Begin

Our Fearless Threesome Of Pain got together, finally, to begin the production of Agent Honey Trap. Still in the testing stages on the first day, this time it was the (un)dress rehearsal they were planning for last week but couldn’t do.

Dani tried two different outfits for Jac to take them off her. One a bit colorful and the other one all black.


I think Jac decided to use the black one, it worked better for him visually and it was handier in taking it off. They also finished setting up the lights and rehearsed a bit of how the scene will begin, with Dani taken into the dungeon, Jac putting a chain around her neck, she’s handcuffed, real handcuffs, and they decided what Jac is going to use to beat her at the beginning and what they should take out of the set.


It was also a good time for Jac to lay out the plans for next year and get the two principals to commit 100% to the cause. There are many films under development and Jac told his playmates that he wants to shoot three big budget films before September. 69 Année Érotique, Maleficarum Excruciti and Aventura, in that order. That’s after they shoot Agent Honey TrapDeep Cover Mole (provisional title) and La Femme De Chambre.


That’s 6 productions in a year! Is is doable? I asked myself and I’m sure Dani and Mila asked the same.

As an argument in his favor Jac mentioned that in between the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011, Amy and him produced The Via Crucis of MilaBarbazulMaleficarum and Le Marquis de la Croix and before 2011 was over, they released two of those films and began the pre production of Dead But Dreaming.


There are some conditions, of course, Locations, Cast, Scripts and most importantly BUDGET!

Although Jac can work without a script, he did it in Maleficarum, when he would show up in the set and pass around the pages with the dialogues of the actors playing the witnesses. They didn’t know what they were going to say before that. Jac had the entire story in his head and would change ideas while shooting. It was a tough experience for his entire crew. It was the first time all of them worked with Jac. Same for the cast of extras.


Notwithstanding, Jac is now concentrating on the production of Agent Honey Trap, where Dani will suffer a number of incredible tortures. I heard that yesterday, the first day of shooting of the movie, was incredibly productive. Jac was planning to work on one torture, different angles of the same, they ended up working on three tortures with a good number of angles and Jac needs more. Dani has more time next week to work, so, they will go on shooting until Thursday.

I know that Jac is planning a few seriously nasty tortures for her on the rack/ladder but differently from CruXtreme II. Dani looks amazing on that contraption, to be sure.


Thighs forced wide, breasts pushed up, struggling and writhing will only increase her suffering – a perfect pose for a girl to be tortured, no wonder she’s screaming for real!

Eulalia @ CruxForums

CruXtreme II and all of our films are now part of the big END OF YEAR SALE, 20% OFF if you get two or more of our films, at the same time, of course.