This is the time to catch up with our doings and undoings. The year is rushing to its end and our threesome are preparing to shoot another movie. But there are some movies I must mention here because there are some who asked.

Margot said: a beautiful Egyptian woman falls from grace and ends up crucified. I only hope that one day you will create an impalement execution scene with the same precision and details as you do with crux scenes, I’m sure that we all impalation lovers will appreciate and support the effort!

gjpain @ Crux Forums

There are FOUR films in our catalogue of movies where such a scenario happens. In the now very old series Red Feline Faces de Inquisition, in the fourth installment, Camille suffers impalement after she’s nailed to her cross.


After much torturing, in 3 dramatic parts, Camille if finally nailed to a crossbar and strung up to dangle from it, her body contorting and swinging from her nailed hands, her arms stretched sideways to the max. It is in that position that Camille watches as the torturer retrieves a long metal spike from the rack.

He brings the spike to Camille and…


There is a brutal Impalement scene in Seven Days on The Cross. In the not yet release 5th part, Gabrielle suffers impalement after an incredible nasty crucifixion, one that lasted, until that moment, 7 days. After her nailed body is raised up to her cross, her feet are nailed and thus she begins the long agony of the cross.

But wait. She’s offered water, but it comes with a price.


For the seven days impaling scene..did you actually insert something?

LadyKiller @ CruxForums

I, personally, did not do anything in the movie; however, Jac wanted to shoot a very realistic angle from under Gabrielle’s crotch as he went on with the task of impaling her. The point was to use something that could actually be inserted in her without damaging her insides and causing her to suffer a deadly impalement.


So they, Gabrielle and Jac, created such instrument and used it successfully and safely. Gabrielle went on, after Seven Days On The Cross, to perform in many more movies, including Dead But Dreaming.

The way Gabriele dies in seven days on the cross is understated and sublime. It’s like she is quietly overwhelmed by her own death as she tires to gulp her final breaths.

LadyKiller @ CruxForums

Gabrielle performs her suffering with a mix of stoicism and resistance to pain. She does not want to give her torturer the pleasure of her screams.


I applaud Gabrielle’s realism in her death. You see when the implement was rammed into her vagina right up to the hilt her entire digestive system would have been ripped into shreds. This would have released stomach acid which would have mixed with her blood and slowly destroy every organ in her body, including her brain. As her body shuts down she would have gone though hallucinations as her lungs stopped working , which would explain her look of bewilderment and her gulps of air. Finally her heart is destroyed and she dies.

LadyKiller@ CruxForums

Jac is working on the release of this film. It will have the entire sequence of events on one 90 minute film.

In our most recent release CruXtreme III – The Callback Jac tortures Dani in many extremely intense ways, until, using a wooden stake, teases the beautiful tortured woman with the nasty looking piece of wood before impaling her with it.


But the impaling is not the end of her suffering. She’s tortured more, including being nailed hand and feet for a grotesque and incredibly bloody, sublime and yet romantic ending.


And if that’s not enough impaling, in Crux Simplex (For Two) Jac uses the same nasty piece of wood to impale Dani once again and I don’t think he had enough of the thing, or any other thing for that matter.
