Moving on by the force of The Whistle of The Whip

A nice comment came my way:

Margot said: the expression Viento en Popa, has many meanings, like Full Steam AheadIn Full StrideBooming, the more literal meaning being: The Wind Behind Its Sails and so on… It comes from the times of sailing the oceans, of course, with the wind (viento) pushing the ship.

It suggests to me the whistle of the whip on my bare backside!


I’m taking the liberty of using the line the whistle of the whip in this wonderful comment as the title for this post. There is something poetic about it as it describes the feeling Dani has as she puts herself through endless sessions of flogging on her bare back, front and all around for the entire CruXtreme Series.

As the production of the third part goes in full swing, the whip is working very hard again and in spectacular form. In the case of the second scene for the new film, under production this week, it involves Dani sitting in a particularly comfy chair. It’s made of a metal, studded plank. In character, Dani touches the rough and sharp studs, knowing all too well that sooner rather than later she’ll be sitting on those nasty, rusty, uneven studs. Amy stood on them for Maleficarum and JUSTINE, Bea stood on them for The Passion of Isabel, Graciela had them on her chest on Monxa Mala … now Dani will experience another obvious use, she’ll sit on it.


Soon into the scene, the Director comes in, strips the actress and tells her to sit. On that?! she asks. Yes“, he responds. Obediently, the young woman sits on the plank, the studs sinking into her delicate flesh. Dani lets out a moan of pain.

The Actress learns that her role involves the execution of her character in a most cruel and extended way. The woman, a servant, stabbed her master, a powerful man, plunging a knife ten times into his chest, killing him. She will suffer ten different tortures, each bringing her close to death, for each of those stabs.

The torture begins with her sitting on the plank, she’s forced to bend over, her back is harshly punished with the whip, she’s made to sit up straight, her wrists shackled above her head, she’s whipped on her belly, breasts, legs. The young woman can’t take it anymore, she begs, pleads for the torture to stop. It’s just the beginning.

The young woman learns that the torture she’s suffering is not the first of the ten. It’s just a warm up.


Jac shared some of the screen shots he captured that day with Dani. He asked her how she feels after that first day of torture on the chair…are you ready for more of the same today?” Dani responded in a FB message:

  • Dani: Heavy, I didn’t expect it would hurt so much the next day, it still hurts a lot when I sit. But YES!! I’m ready.

The production of CruXtreme III continued with more punishment on the studded chair. Lots of shots were filmed yesterday, from different angles. The Master Shot of the flogging on the studded chair scene was shot today, Friday. If Dani is lucky, Jac will be happy with how the second scene came out, he’ll declare that it is in the can and the cast and crew of two will be ready to go into the third scene on Monday. That’s when things begin to go from truly bad …. to extremely and painfully worse.


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