Expecting the very worst!

Download CruXtreme I – DV or HD version

Vemeer Works–the film maker that regularly has ads here on GIMP. Have any of you contacted them via email or their web form about a question, suggestion, or whatever? Did you get a reply? No luck here. Thanks.


Spiked It seems that Margot did not address your complaint about the lack of response from their site. Please note that spam filters too often catch replies from such companies as theirs and ours. It also happened to me that someone was complaining here on the forum that we don’t answer his email, and it turned out that our emails were in his spam folder. So I say check there first..


I don’t see any comment at our site that I didn’t respond to. In some sites, like VermeerWorks, the comment section is not active. As a matter of fact, the site is going through a technical revision and changes, only the stores at VermeerWorks are working. The email address I have in these posts is pretty much active and and other than the regular people that use it to communicate with me, not that many I have to add, … there’s nothing new or old, and the Spam folder is empty.

Our official email address at VermeerWorks, the one used to communicate with costumers, is very active and other than the couple of spammers offering services from China, we respond to everything. I don’t know what to tell you, Spiked.

When costumers have difficulties with their orders we get notified, either by Flickrocket, or PayPal, if these costumers don’t write to us directly. It happened, a few times, that our responses went to their Spam folders and it took a while to get through to them.

This week and next it is all about Pygmalion, and it’s theatrical release. So this is it for today. However, there are some changes coming our way. Some very dramatic changes and some simply practical. They will affect how we do things, and, most directly, everything I do, that’s for sure.

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Red Feline Pictures