A Damsel Under Cruel Torture!

​After a harsh flogging, the cloth is taken off the the pretty and wet face of the still-not-done-with damsel under cruel torture. She can breath normally again, she can scream if she needs to scream, she can see what comes next. More flogging, she’s sure of it. She feels the strips of leather crash against her skin. She can take it, but she anticipates the awful and skin breaking flagellum.

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February seems to be rushing through and three projects are the priority the first part of this month, PygmalionRucker and CruXtreme II. Most of the attention is going to the release of Amy’s fifth feature film. The grand premiere is being organized, there will be lots of guests and for the first time in about four years, the entire cast and crew of that great film will get together, including Amy! That should be a great and emotional event for some, particularly Amy and Jac.


One of the computers in the office is connected to three screens, one really big. It’s the computer used mostly for post production work, thus the need for three screens. As you all know, you can set up the screens to Screen Saver with pictures that changes with frequency. All three are set up in that way. When only one screen is being used, the other two display pictures from all the productions, well, most of the productions. It’s nice to sit and watch what can be described as a Slide Show. Remember those? The ones people used to annoyed friends and relatives with slides from almost boring vacations? Well… watching that Slide Show in two or three separated screens, at the same time, with different timings for each screen, is fascinating. But it’s even more fascinating to find that ALL the pictures are beautiful, hundreds of them, in sequential order. It’s like reading a comic book, the story is told in pictures.

I might find a way to have a Slide Show in one of our sites, so people can sit and watch the show. Here’s one such picture. This one is from the Number 6 film in January’s ranking, The Passion of Isabel.

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