I couldn’t breathe!!


The week began with Dani subjected to more torture for Crux Extrema II. Not satisfied with crucifying his most faithful actress, Jac decide to strangle her as well. As he pulled the rope around her neck, tightening the noose, Dani began to suffer the lack of air. The scene had to be shot from different angles, so it went on and on for the entire shooting time for two days.

When the scene was finally done, and after Jac freed his victim from the tight rope around her neck, Dani commented: That was scary! … I couldn’t breathe! It was exciting too!


Because of some personal reasons, Dani didn’t work for the rest of the week, she might work this coming Friday (tomorrow), but it’s not sure. So, the end of production will definitely happen early next week. there’s one additional torture Jac has in mind. I wonder what it is, because, come on, a lot has been done to poor, all suffering, tortured, and gorgeous Dani, what else can he do to her? I asked myself.

I didn’t expect that The Rack film would have so many possibilities, and yet, there it is. Lots of terribly cruel and erotic scenes for Crux Extrema II.


Jac had a meeting with Simonne where she said that she has time to work on a film all of December. It is possible that Blanca and The Inquisitor will be produced then. Not totally sure, but very likely.

In the other hand, Dani has two weeks between the end of December and the beginning of January totally free, without her TV Show or anything else. A film can be done in that time too. That would be two films in December, maybe three, if Crux Extrema III is shot the first week of December as Jac is planning to do. Hmmm.

Maybe Dani’s dream will come true after all, when Jac commented to her about these plans, she said I can’t wait to make other films right away!

Dani Suffers The Wheel for Monxa Mala at the hands of a very enthusiastic and cruel Bea. This very exciting video is now streaming at The CLUB! Join! Don’t miss it!



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