2018 The Closing of an Era – The Beginning of a New Cycle

2018 marked the 20th anniversary of the creation of Red Feline Pictures to launch our first Red Feline movie, Red Feline On The Cross. During these 2 decades we produced over 50 films, that’s at almost 3 per year, amongst them 5 documentaries, 2 of them for NatGeo, 10 big budget, mainstream films, including our most recent production in progress Maleficarum Monxa Mala, many shorts and music videos. Not a bad record for a small independent film production company.

2018 turned out to be a transition year. A year to re-organise, after finally coming to terms with the profound changes that befell us at the end of 2015, to prepare for the new cycle. Three years before, at the end of 2015, the structure that made all those mainstream films possible, changed in a fundamental way. Amy, who with Jac, formed that incredible dynamic duo that led the company for a decade, decided to return to the US to pursue her new goals. She remains a partner in the company and works closely with Jac, but she is not around to work on the projects as she did before.


I’m not quite sure how to put this, but I think there is a reality check to be had with regard to some of our smaller content producers. Making a movie is hard. It involves a lot more than pointing the camera at a model while stuff happens. All you have to do is look at our resident filmmaker Jac and his medieval torture movies, which take months to complete between filming and post-production..


I agree with you 100% …however, this discussion should have a clear distinction between “video clips” and “movies”. The former does not require much skill, money or time, albeit there is a good business model in it. The latter requires a significant skill, money and time and has a completely different business model. There of course is also a significant difference in a running time and many other elements. There will be some producers who will straddle the fence between the two, and lean one way or another with different projects, but NOBODY can even begin to compare Reine Margot style of movie-making to “movies” made by Cruel World. Basically there is no comparison.


Thank you Bakerboy for commenting on ‘my style’ of film making. It’s not mine. I’m just the voice. We follow two basic models of production. Big budget movies, like Dead But DreamingMaleficarumOlalla, to name a few, and the more intimate, two, three people productions like The Passion of Isabel or even our first big release, the very intimate film Red Feline On The Cross. In either case there’s a strict rule, the film must have a good finish, even if there are only two people involved and it takes one day to shoot, like in the case of Romana Crucifixa Est. Our “big budget productions” in the world of cinema are, in reality, very low budget films, I’m talking about less than 20,000 per movie. Low budget movies normally go for half a million or more. We do a lot with very little cash in hand.


One can compare the product Cruel World puts out to Pedro’s output or what the Pachamama Films people do. One look at those productions and no one would be under the assumption that they were shot and edited in 2 days. They are handsomely filmed, well-lit and edited with care, obviously quality productions. They look like real movies.


Indeed. Editing can take from 3 to 9 months, sometimes more if the film is complicated or if there’s a disagreement between the Director/Producer and the Editor/Producer/Scriptwriter/Actor. Sometimes two visions may clash in the editing room and that complicates things. JUSTINE was shot in December 2015 and it was released in October 2016, 10 months later. People thought it took too long, but actually it was within the acceptable period of post production. Maleficarum was filmed between December 2010 and February 2011 and it was released in October 2011, 8 months after production was completed. BARBAZUL and Le Marquis de la Croix, both shot back to back with Maleficarum from December to March 2011, were released in October 2012.

Our films have splendid production values and not only look like real movies, they are real movies! Some of them are shown in festivals, have theatrical runs, are featured in famous mainstream magazines like Fangoria and are listed in IMDB




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