Isabel Whipped and Stretched on the Rack!

Today is a day of celebration. We’re celebrating Jac’s birthday … and mine. Tonight and after a long time, the entire group, cast and crew from all those amazing films, will get together to watch Jac blow his candles. Amy will be present via Skype. One particularly interesting thing about is that for the first time Bea, Mila and Danielle will be in the same room together. Hmmm. I wonder. The veterans of torture movies will meet the new comer, the new Galatea, in Ms Pickerin words. Ms Pickerin is one of Amy’s characters in Pygmalion, Amy’s film which will be released before the end of this year.

Not the final poster for Pygmalion, it is, still, a work in progress… but I like it.

4.- Le Marquis de la Croix – 172 points

Le Marquis de la Croix also retained its fourth place. No great change there. Mila continues to captivate her audience with this great De Sade inspired film where Zinga the Gypsy (Mila) suffers torture, degradation and the ultimate fate on the cross at the hands of the cruel Marquis. I have to add that this an award winning film.


The film explores the tortures Zynga endures and her eventual demise. The story is presented as a narration extracted from the marquis’ writings in his cell. As he completes one torment and plans the next, the aristocrat returns to his desk to record his thoughts and lets the viewer into his mind via voice over. The bound and naked Zynga is the consistent background image and the main motif throughout the film. (…)

Clever, strikingly innovative, and beautifully filmed, Le Marquis de la Croix highlights the emergence of Mila Joya as an actress. Though she has few lines that are often blunted by the pain of torture, her performance is exemplary. The native Bolivian uses her physical expression, particularly her eyes, to tempt, seduce, and react to her torturer, who struggles against his own sexual arousal to complete his self-appointed task.

From Le Marquis, Part One: The Museum by Rich Moreland, April 2017

The numbers tell their own story. There are 300 points difference between Maleficarum and Le Marquis and almost 400 points between The Passion of Isabel and Maleficarum. That gives us an idea of how our films move in the world.

There’s an interesting reaction to the picture of the possible location for Maleficarum II:

The phallic cacti are very scary! 

Eulalia (From CruxForum)

I know that cactuses have been used in GIMP fantasies throughout the world. It occurred to me that Jac might just pick up from that comment and add the cactuses to the film. Wouldn’t that be exotically nice?

More news later.

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