Remembering 9/11/2001​

We will never forget that day when so many people died. I lived with Jac in Gold Street, right there, two blocks away from the WTC. South Street Seaport was a few steps down towards the East River. For a year I called that part of NYC my home and my neighborhood. The towers were there, always. It was beautiful to live there. When the towers came down I felt like I lost a friend, I felt like my home was attacked.

I lost friends in that attack, one was a fireman that I met when our headquarters were in LIC. There was fire station across the house Jac rented for 6 years, where we shot so many movies, including Martyr. The firemen there saw Camille and Gabrielle run out in rags and full of make up to buy ice cream the summer when they were working on the Inquisition series. They laughed and joked. They were friends, some of them we knew by name. One of them died at the WTC.

And then there was Taryn, an artist, who corresponded with me and Camille. She was there when the towers came down.

We always remember that fateful day, we’ll never forget.