The post production of Crux Extrema I is advancing nicely, the shooting of Crux Extrema II has three scenes in the can and a fourth scene is one third of the way there. The plans for more productions are well underway, Crux Extrema III and Agent Y are scheduled next and La Femme De Chambre right after those two, unless Simonne agrees to work on an Agent X style of film and the Inquisition movie Jac has in mind for her. We’ll know if that is happening in about two weeks.

One thing that can help is if our funds grow enough to be able to get all those productions out and paying the suffering actresses. We always need funds to produce, of course, even NO BUDGET films cost money. That’s one reason why we’re increasing the potential of the Supporters Club where we will be streaming videos! Old, New, Future videos. Some videos will be permanently embedded in the site and sometimes we’ll show one of our films in a Film Of The Week page. Maybe we’ll have only a streaming platform for all our films. Maybe.

I’d give my left pinkie for the unreleased footage in your archives, Margot…


I’m certain that a lot of people would love to see the unreleased footage we have in our archives, lots of it. We will include Making Of clips from ALL the movies as well as bloopers, including some with comments from beautiful people like Camille and Amy. We’ll stream the Casting videos, Scene Tests, TV interviews, public discussions and a lot more. We’ll also stream some of the smaller films like The Via Crucis and Training of Camille and The Via Crucis of Jane and more. We’ll be uploading one film at a time for the next few weeks.

Margot said: a suspension scene with Dani attached, arms spread wide open, to a crossbeam. She will be dangling and twisting in the air, suffering the whip, maybe with weights attached to her feet. and enjoying every moment, I don’t doubt!


Dani commented to Jac that even though is painful, uncomfortable and even scary, she truly enjoys the work. She comes up with some crazy ideas sometimes as well as some suggestions as how to approach a tough scene. At one point, when Jac was describing what he will do to her in a very sexy and cruel scene, she said I love my job! I’m loving this new film! She then proceeded to suggest what could make the scene even more difficult and painful.


We got word from Amy, she wrapped her new film, Rucker , this past Monday. I don’t have any details yet, but I’m sure I’ll be getting some pictures and news from her soon.

We’re finally mastering the Rehearsal for the Red Feline Faces the Inquisition, the Training of Camille videos and the tests for Monxa Mala , I’ll be talking about that on my next post. There are no plans to sell them in the store either as downloads or DVDs, there are a couple of people who will receive them, physically, but the rest will have to wait until they are streamed at the club.


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